- Height:
- 5'8.5
- Bust:
- 32
- Waist:
- 25
- Hips:
- 35
- Hair:
- Blonde
- State:
- CA
- Willing to Travel:
- Nationwide
- Talent ID:
- 7665
- Instagram:
- Instagram Follower Count:
- 3.1K
- TikTok:
- N/A
- TikTok Follower Count:
- N/A
- Facebook:
- N/A
- Facebook Friend Count:
- N/A
- Video URL #1:
- N/A
- Video URL #2:
- N/A
- Video URL #3:
- N/A
- Slate URL:
- N/A
- Resume:
- N/A
- Pageant Experience:
- N/A
Sophie has a film degree from Vanguard University. She graduated high school valedictorian and remained Deans List in College. She was Avants Model of the year in 2019.