- Height:
- 5'9.5
- Bust:
- 34.5
- Waist:
- 29
- Hips:
- 40
- Hair:
- Blonde
- State:
- CA
- Willing to Travel:
- Nationwide
- Talent ID:
- 9832
- Instagram:
- Instagram Follower Count:
- 15.5K
- TikTok:
- N/A
- TikTok Follower Count:
- N/A
- Facebook:
- Facebook Friend Count:
- 3.9K
- Video URL #1:
- N/A
- Video URL #2:
- N/A
- Slate URL:
- N/A
- Resume:
- N/A
- Pageant Experience:
- N/A
Alaina graduated from Michigan State University with a dual major in psychology and English Literature in 2019z Since graduating, Alaina moved to Los Angeles and created a business in social media marketing while also doing modeling for many designers and brands in Southern California. Alaina has recently been published in Now Magazine and Glam Week magazine and has many exciting modeling projects coming up soon.